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·       Gopal, many thanks for sending an excellent knowledge book on APA’s in India. The book is very handy and concise interestingly
covering all vital aspects.

 – Raman Sethi, ATC Towers


·       Dear Gopal, I receive your booklet on APA mechanism. It is indeed a good and comprehensive compilation. Thanks and regards

 – Sharat Chandra- ex income tax commissioner now senior partner with E and Y

·       Dear Gopal ji, Many Thanks for sending copy of dailytaxreporter.com

Have also gone through your website and it looks very useful.

Thanks for your efforts to write a such booklet in line with updating tax knowledge.

 – Vice President sony, fca, fcs


·      Thanks for APA handbook, very informative. Gautam Sehgal- Samsung

·      I read your note on “Magical Circular”, and it was impressive. – Yash Pal Ralhan

      Hello Sir this is CA Deepak Gadgil from Solapur Maharashtra,,, been reading your articles on taxman… remember reading your articles in Taxmann Weekly
used to identify you that time with a photo … with VEERAPPAN moustache…

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